
Preschool Decision

My Girls: My Inspiration

A couple of weeks ago my hubby and I took on the big preschool debate. I got a ton of responses both on the blog and FB from all of my dear readers. And I first wanted to say a big thank you! I really appreciated all the input everyone gave.

One friend's observation proved true with every comment I received--the people who send their kids to preschool love it; the people who keep their kids at home love it. It just reiterated to me the truth of how individual a decision this is for everyone.

After much prayer and contemplation (and lots of talking to other moms), hubby and I sat down and discussed. It came down to one factor--God's leading. We both felt we are supposed to keep the girls at home . . . we don't argue with God, especially when we both felt the same direction. After that, nothing else really matters.

The pros I see to our decision:

1. My husband and I will remain the primary influences in our daughters lives during these formative years.
2. I get to spend more time with my daughters.
3. We are always up for a play date!
4. No extra bills for the month.
5. I don't miss any firsts.
6. This will force me to flex my crafty muscle and coordinate more hands-on projects.
7. I am living out my dreams (SAHM whose first priority is raising her children)

This has also helped me prioritize other aspects of my life:

1. My girls are my priority, not my job. I need to limit the number of projects I take on because my time to work will only be when they are sleeping or out with friends or family.
2. I will start lesson planning in the fall and work on preparing my eldest for kindergarten.
3. I need to cherish each moment and relish this time together. Dishes and household chores can always be done later. When my babies want me to play with them, I am available. I've made it a personal goal to make sure I'm not saying, "In a little bit" or "Just a minute" or "Let me finish this first" too often.
4. My habits, rituals, and daily chores are a living example to my daughters--they're always there watching and observing. I need to be constantly modeling a lifestyle that sends the message that life is good, it's okay to laugh, and serving God is my choice--and He honors that choice with blessings.


jim wideman said...

so proud of ya'll and you decision!

Aimee said...

Words of wisdom... Thanks for sharing, Joy!